Account Settings



Organizing Tags
Tags are part of the taxonomy of Lytho. Using tags and tag groups enables you to categorize and easily find all content (assets, templates, and publications) within Lytho DAM.
Custom Fields
Custom Fields in Lytho DAM enable you to add fields to your asset's meta data that are unique to your process and organization.
If you are part of an organization that supports users in multiple languages, the Translate feature can make finding assets in the DAM much easier. Though a web browser can't translate a lot of what is on the page, you can configure your tags, tag g...
Presets & Job Options
Presets in Lytho DAM allow you to provide your users with set options for downloading, creating, and cropping, ensuring top quality no matter the use case.
Theme Design
Lytho DAM allows you to adjust the platform look and feel according to your corporate identity, ensuring you're always on-brand!
Shared Links
Creating links can be done from various places in Lytho, each link having its own purpose. Whether you want to share assets, brand guides, publications, or request that someone upload new assets, these links will have some variable settings.
Provide users with options to choose from in Create & Publish by creating Dropdown fields to populate pre-approved copy, taglines, and other custom text. Maximize flexibility while keeping your Publications on brand and typo free!
Deleted Assets
Recently deleted assets aren't gone forever. They will, instead, move to the Deleted section of your DAM just in case they were deleted by mistake! Deleting an Asset Users assigned the "Delete Asset" rule will be able to send assets from the Ass...