Request File Markupmail_outline

Receiving information via a request can be difficult when there is disconnect between the Requester and the Acceptor. Use Request File Markup to help bridge the gap on your attached files!

Accessing Request File Markup

When or after submitting a request with an attached file, each file attached will show within the Request Details section of the request. On the right end of each file are your action buttons "Add Comments" and "Download." Clicking on the Add Comments button will take you into the request file screen.

Unsupported file types will grey out the "Add Comments" button and instead read "Add Comments not yet supported for this file type."

Using File Markup

From the center of the upper actions bar, select the Dot annotation tool. The button will highlight indicating it has been selected.

Click anywhere on the asset to place your annotation. 

You can adjust your annotation color by selecting the Choose annotation color button to the right of the Dot tool.

Whenever an annotation is placed, a comment will be required on the right side of the screen. Write your comment and select Post when you are finished.

All comments will be stored on the right side of the screen. Use the outer scroll bar to scroll through the comments.

To reply to a comment, select Reply... underneath the comment and type within the text box. Press the Enter or Return key on your keyboard to submit your reply.

You can expand the comment box by selecting the bottom right corner and dragging it up or down.

When you are finished marking up the file, select Done in the bottom right corner. From the request page, the number of markups will be displayed on the attached file.

Additional Features

Text Search

If the file you are marking up has a text layer, such as a PDF or .doc file, in the top left corner you will see a search box. Use this search box to find specific text in your file by clicking the Enter or Return key on your keyboard after typing in your text. When the text you've entered has been found, it will highlight in green. Use the arrows and > next to the search box to move between each of the matching text items found.

Continual Scroll

If your document contains multiple pages, you can use the single page navigation for single page navigation or the scroll bar on the canvas (or mouse wheel) to seamlessly scroll pages of an asset

Light/Dark Mode Toggle

In the bottom left corner of the screen you will find the Light/Dark Mode toggle that allows you to switch between a primarily light or primarily dark color scheme.

Interactive Mode

If there are links or editable fields on your document that you would like your users to test or access, they'll be able to use "Interactive Mode" to interact with those links. Found in the bottom left corner of the screen, select the Interactive Mode Off button to toggle it on. When clicked, the button will light up green and read "Interactive Mode On."

While Interactive Mode is toggled on, users can click on links to activate them.

  • While Interactive Mode is activated, users will not be able to add annotations.
  • Hyperlinks saved to image files (.jpg, .png, .bmp) will not be accessible via Interactive Mode.

Supported File Types

This section will continue to be updated as the feature is improved.

PDF Documents: *.pdf
Image Files: *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png, *.eps, *epsx, *.tif, *.tiff, *.svg
Microsoft files: *.doc, *.docx, *.ppt, *.pptx, *.xls, *.xlsx

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